Monday 11 March 2013

The uses of coke: rust remover

Coca-cola also is called Coke, a carbonated drink that is dark brown in color. Nowadays, people often drink the coke daily but drinking coke daily is not good for human health. Why drinking the coke daily is harmful to human health? The reason is due to the acids which are the constituent of the coca-cola. The Coca-cola contains a lot of constituents that is sugar, caffeine, water, alcohol, orange oil, lemon oil, vanilla and others but the mainly constituent are acids. These mainly acids had already make the coke useful for human. For example, human use the coke as stain remover, for cleaning the rust metals, temporary cure of asthma and others. The uses of the coke which I choose from many of them are cleaning the rust metals.

Why the coke can clean the rust metals? This is because the carbon dioxide is mixed with water which both is found in coke to produce the carbonic acid. These forming of carbonic acids cause the rust metals such as iron to oxidize when it reacted with oxygen. This is why the rust is called iron oxide. The ‘reduction’ is formed when the carbonic acid reverses this reaction (oxidation). 

The coke also contains the phosphoric acid which is used for rust removal. Phosphoric acid is the basis of Naval Jelly, a commercial product used for rust removal. Phosphoric acid dissolves the iron oxide quickly while the metallic iron etches slowly so metal will have little damage when it reacted with phosphoric acid. 

Besides, the acids that found in coke also contribute some hydrogen to metal structure. The hydrogen which produced inside the coke will weaken the iron by hydrogen embrittlement. So, human can always use the coke as much as time you want due to it is absolutely to remove the rust. In conclusion, the phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide which found in the coke make a great combination of rust burner solution.

The video is provided for understanding the process of removing the rust metals by using coke.

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