Monday 11 March 2013

A helpful health tonic-Apple Cider Vinegar

Nowadays, people tend to consume foods and drinks that help to build a healthy and stronger body. Apple cider vinegar is one of the choices. Apple cider vinegar is made by fermentation of apple cider. During the first fermentation process, bacteria and yeast breaks down the sugar in apple cider into alcohol. The alcohol is then broken down into vinegar in the second fermentation process. Apple cider vinegar contains a substance called acetic acid. Besides, apple cider vinegar also contains some lactic citric and malic acids. Acetic acid and malic acid give vinegar its sour taste.
Do you curious about how to make apple cider vinegar?
It is quite easy actually. The step are quite simple and the ingredients are easy to get.
Video shown below shows the steps to make apple cider vinegar.

Oxygen supply and temperature are the main factors that require special attention when making vinegar at home. Oxygen needed to spread throughout the mixture by stirring it daily and by letting fresh air reach the fluid throughout a cheesecloth filter. This cheesecloth is used in place of a regular lid. The temperature of fermenting cider should be kept between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit(F). One thing to remind here is do not use a metal container when making vinegar, acid in the mixture may corrode metal or aluminum objects. 
To produce a high quality cider vinegar, you should
  •     Make a clean cider from ripe apples.
  •    Allow yeast fermentation to take part (change all of the fruit sugar to alcohol.) 
  •     Allow acetic acid fermentation to take part (change all the alcohol to acetic acid.
  •   Clarify the acetic acid to prevent further fermentation and decomposition


Here are some advantages of apple cider vinegar :
  •  Cures for allergies( including pet, environment and food) 
  •  Cures for sinus infections 
  •  Cures for acne 
  •  Lower the level of bad cholesterol 
  •  Cures for flu, chronic fatigue, acid reflux, sore throats, contact dermatitis, arthritis, gout and diabetes. 
  •  Breaks down fat and help to lose weight
Although apple cider vinegar is a health tonic that is useful to our body, it also risks our body at some condition.
Risk of apple cider vinegar 
  •   It is highly acidic. 
  •   Long term use of it could cause low potassium levels and lower bone density. 
  •  It could theoretically interact with diuretics, laxatives, and medicines for diabetes and heart disease.

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